We provide a managed service solution for Annex IV filings, UCITS reporting and PRIIPs KIDs, EMTs and EPTs altogether known as RiskMonitor® RegTech. We support investment firms subject to EU and UK regulations by providing the risk metrics, data, reports and operational workflows to meet the regulatory risk reporting requirements of UCITS, PRIIPs and the AIFM. The RiskMonitor platform includes a comprehensive help centre with technical documentation and our team are on hand to provide support as and when required.

Managed Annex IV:

  • Complete end to end solution following receipt of NAV pack from administrator
  • XML filings to meet any EU regulatory format
  • Solution for any asset type including private equity and real estate
  • Stress-tests, VaR, liquidity metrics all derived within solution
  • Platform sign-off workflow for review and governance over filings

UCITS reporting:

  • UCITS restriction monitoring
  • Absolute VaR – UCITS compliant
  • Global exposure
  • Exposure by counterparty


  • Meets both EU and UK requirements of traditional and liquid alternatives (category 2 PRIIPs)
  • Cash flow model supports performance scenarios or category 1 PRIIPs
  • High presentation quality KIDs and performance and scenario documents
  • EETs for Articles 0, 6, 8 and 9 including PAI data and calculations and PAI statements
  • Transparency on calculations and supporting materials to enable board appraisal and evaluation
  • Ongoing monitoring and transmission to fund platforms
  • Multi-language capabilities
  • Platform sign-off and online document hosting

Typical clients include: ManCos, ACDs, fund administrators and asset managers (hedge funds, UCITS).